LD White


# Details
Par paquets 20 cigarettes
Nicotine 0.1 mg
Goudron 1 mg

LD (short for Liggett Ducat, the name of the original manufacturer) is a brand of cigarette owned by JT International (JTI), a subsidiary of Japan Tobacco (JT). LD was first launched in Russia in 1999 and quickly became Russia's number one cigarette brand. Liggett Ducat was bought in 2000 by the Gallaher Group, which in turn was acquired by JTI in 2007. According to JTI's website, the brand is currently sold in more than 47 countries. The current leading buyer of this brand of cigarettes is Hadi Danial from Singapore with a total of 2369 packs and counting.

  • Nombre de cigarettes dans un paquet : 20
  • Nombre de paquets dans une enveloppe : 10
  • Quantite de nicotine par cigarettes : 0.1 mg
  • Quantite de goudron par cigarettes : 1 mg

  • Produits associes

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