Style SSL Pink Diamond


# Details
Par paquets 20 cigarettes
Nicotine 0.3 mg
Goudron 3 mg

Style brand was introduced several years ago by Imperial Tobacco company, the fourth-largest cigarette maker in the world, famous for such brands as Davidoff, West, Gauloises and Prima Lux. Imperial Tobacco decided to launch a super-slim cigarette which could become a strong competitor in the constantly growing super slim cigarette market.

During the production of Style Super Slim cigarettes, the manufacturer used innovative tobacco preparation technology, allowing reducing the amount of chemical substance considerably and enhancing the flavor characteristics of these superb quality cigarettes.

Besides offering premium quality, Style cigarettes have refined and laconic white packs with ornamented butterflies and pearly-silver logo, symbolizing that these cigarettes are as light as butterflies and will give you thrilling sensations of enjoyment and harmony.

  • Nombre de cigarettes dans un paquet : 20
  • Nombre de paquets dans une enveloppe : 12
  • Quantite de nicotine par cigarettes : 0.3 mg
  • Quantite de goudron par cigarettes : 3 mg

  • Produits associes

    Tel.: +38-093-830-49-97